The Duty to God Promotion DVD contains the interfaith resources to make a presentation on the religious emblems programs to Scouts of all faiths. These resources include the video “Promoting Duty to God (Religious Emblems),” Duty to God brochure/chart listing all religious emblems (SKU # 512879), scripts (for presentations to Cub Scouts, Boy Scouts, and Venturers), and Parent Handout. The DVD may be copied (permitted by PRAY). No charge for the DVD, but postage/handling of $5.00 will be included in your total. Additional items ordered will incur postage/handling charges as noted in our shipping policies.DVD notice:Please note that this is a DVD-ROM and should play in most DVD Players. The printable material and some other files may only be accessed on a computer equipped with a DVD drive using Adobe Reader. Adobe Reader for PC only is available for installation on this disk if needed. Adobe Reader for other platforms can be downloaded from